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A "Cookie" is a small file that is stored on the user's computer and allows us to recognize the user. The set of "cookies" helps us improve the quality of our website, allowing us to control which pages our users find useful and which do not.

Cookies are essential for the operation of the Internet, providing innumerable advantages in the provision of interactive services, facilitating navigation and usability of our website. Keep in mind that cookies cannot harm your equipment and that, in return, the fact that they are activated helps us to identify and resolve errors.

The information we provide below will help you understand the different types of cookies:

Session cookies: They are temporary cookies that remain in the cookie file of your browser until you leave the web page, so none is recorded on the user's hard drive. The information obtained through these cookies is used to analyze traffic patterns on the web. In the long run, this allows us to provide a better experience by improving the content and making it easier to use.

Permanent cookies: They are stored on the hard drive and our website reads them each time you make a new visit. A permanent cookie has a specific expiration date. The cookie will stop working after that date.

Below we publish a list of the main cookies used on our website, distinguishing:

_ Strictly necessary cookies For example, those that serve for correct navigation or those that allow services requested by the user to be carried out or cookies that serve to ensure that the content of the web page is loaded efficiently.

_ Third party cookies such as those used by social networks, or by external content plugins.

_ Analytical cookies For periodic maintenance purposes, and in order to guarantee the best possible service to the user, websites normally use "analytical" cookies to collect statistical data on the activity.

LIST AND DESCRIPTION OF THE COOKIES WE USE ON THE WEBSITE: The table that we publish below summarizes the cookies that we use on our website:

cookies Name Purpose / More information Expiration
PHPSESSID This cookie is used to establish the session of the user who visits our website.
It is a way to identify and manage the state – the session variables – for a specific user, and to be able to move that information through our Web.
Google Analytics _ga It is used to distinguish users. 2 years
_gid It is generated automatically in a transparent way for the Web due to certain measurement codes or third parties 1 day
_gat It is used to differentiate between the different tracking objects created in the session. The cookie is created by loading the javascript library and there is no previous version of the _gat cookie. The cookie is updated each time you send data to Google Analytics. 10 minutes
Cookies NID To make advertising more attractive 6 months

Complementary guarantees – Cookie management:

As a complementary guarantee to those described above, the registration of cookies may be subject to acceptance during the installation or updating of the browser used, and this acceptance may be revoked at any time through the available content and privacy configuration options.
Many browsers allow you to activate a private mode through which cookies are always deleted after your visit. Depending on each browser, this private mode may have different names. Below you will find a list of the most common browsers and the different names of this “private mode”:

Internet Explorer 8 and above; InPrivate Safari 2 and above; Private Browsing Opera 10.5 and above; Private Browsing Firefox 3.5 and above; Private Browsing Google Chrome 10 and above; Incognito

Important: Please read the help section of your browser carefully to learn more about how to activate the “private mode”. You will be able to continue visiting our website even if your browser is in "private mode", although browsing our website may not be optimal and some utilities may not work correctly.